Security Russian cybercrime suspect arrested for $ 1 million ransomware conspiracy August 29th, 2020 0Here’s a cybercrime conspiracy story that makes a difference.As we write about network-wide ransomware attacks that blackmail the entire...
Tutorial How to communicate more effectively (without offending people) August 29th, 2020 0Have you ever had a conversation with a friend or stranger and insulted them with your honesty? That sucks, right? Too often, people ask me how to...
Security Fake Android Alerts - first Google, then Microsoft August 29th, 2020 0If you’re a Google Android user, you may have been bothered by pop-up notifications over the past week that you didn’t expect and certainly...
Security Has your router been exposed to data threats? This is how you can protect it August 29th, 2020 0Estimated reading time: 4 minutesBecause a large number of people use a router to connect to the network, it is possible that you are using the...
Story According to the CDC, people who do not have symptoms of COVID-19 do not need to be tested August 28th, 2020 0At a time when experts have indicated they are encouraging more extensive testing, the CDC update seems counter-intuitive and "very...
Tutorial How to turn wholesale houses in seven days or less August 28th, 2020 0 Turning houses for profit can be very lucrative if done right. It can also be a huge nightmare if you don’t know what you’re doing. My name is...
Story Banks aren't as stupid as a company's artificial intelligence and fintech entrepreneurs think August 28th, 2020 0 Announcements such as Selina Finance’s $ 53 million raised and another $ 64.7 million the next day for a different banking startup will spark the...
Security Everything you need to know about API security August 28th, 2020 0Estimated reading time: 4 minutesAn application programming interface (API) is a way for applications to communicate with each other. It provides a...
Story "People were afraid to be critical with me" August 28th, 2020 0 welcome back to people The capital in which we break down the latest workforce, as well as diversity and incorporation into technology. This week,...
Security Child Lock - Allows you to adjust your child's computer habits August 28th, 2020 0Estimated reading time: 2 minutesToday’s generation of children will become acquainted with technology from birth. So it’s no surprise to hear...
Tutorial An unfair distinction between racial wealth and home ownership August 28th, 2020 0 If you’ve fallen victim to unfair housing practices, unfortunately, you can’t do anything about it because it’s the result of decades of...
Story The Best Online Job for Teenagers August 25th, 2020 0For most teenagers, the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a wrench into their part-time work plans. Fortunately, just because you’re still in school...